+ 49 7753 91199
Hausverwaltung Jonny Kruschke
+ 49 7753 91199
Hausverwaltung Jonny Kruschke
Gemini is a great choice for product showcases and professional portfolios.
Gemini is an exclusive design suited for product showcases, company profiles, and professional portfolios.
Adjust color, saturation, hue, and transparency quickly and easily.
Take advantage of the uniquely powerful Gantry 5 Color Picker and change your theme’s color scheme in seconds.
Font Awesome icons are awesome, and they’re supported natively in Gemini.
Use Gantry 5’s powerful Icon Picker to easily add icons to menus, particles, and more.
Move, resize, and configure content in a matter of seconds with Layout Manager.
With drag-and-drop functionality and virtually limitless possibilities, Gantry 5's Layout Manager makes setup a breeze.